Dust that Dirt Off Your Shoulder! (How to Deal with …

Criticism is never a nice thing to receive because as humans we thrive on praise (although it can sometimes leave us with reddened cheeks!). But, be…

Blue Monday and the Problem of Speaking for the Sake …

How are you today? This week we’ve had Blue Monday, which is apparently the most depressing day of the year. The 15th January 2018 has…

Four Things to do to Settle a Dispute (Featuring Xscape)

“What I need from you is understanding. How can we communicate, if you don’t hear what I say?” Who knows where these song lyrics are…

Six Tips to Making Small Talk Without Mentioning the Weather

The awkward silence, the shifted gaze, the nervous laughter, the unnecessary extra bite of the sandwich or slurp of the coffee, and then the inevitable “the weather’s nice…